Your adornment must not be merely external--braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What I'm actually up to! :)

I'm about to begin my second year program! Specialized training and mentoring will be available to me for specific areas of ministerial calling. I feel called to explore further training in inner healing and deliverance, kingdom creativity in fashion and media--redeeming fashion, arts and media, pastoring, coaching and preaching.  The format will be hands-on and application intensive and includes periodic travel as I participate with ministry teams throughout the region and nation. I will demonstrate signs and wonders, train the local congregation in supernatural ministry and take them into their community to do treasure hunts (i.e. these are prophetic spontaneous encounters where Believers look for hidden treasure in the hearts of the folks of their city).

The academic instruction at BSSM is unique because it is taught by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers - not by professors or theologians. This gives the teaching a kind of living perspective with five-fold distinctions. BSSM has many powerful guest speakers throughout the year but the primary teaching is accomplished through our twenty-two staff members.
I receive a great deal of historic commentary and insight into the scriptures but I'm also immersed in a revelatory culture where the Holy Spirit becomes the chief instructor. He causes His Kingdom to come alive through the pages of the Bible.

This year is a real catalyst for taking tangible steps towards my personal dreams. For example, I've begun the process of starting my own business, Sparrow Image Consulting. The Lord wants us to be adorned not only with external things but with your SPIRIT. I'm joining the Lord's call for his children to reflect Him and the uniqueness of their spirits. Who's artistic expressions carry His presence and change the world around them. I want to strip off the lies of how we perceive ourselves and pull forth the truth of being created in his image. Wounds, pain, lies and opinions from the world should not dictate what we reflect. I want to see you whole and healthy. I want to talk with you about how you perceive yourself and why. How have you arrived at what you reflect. It's time to show your 'hidden person of the heart'! I am passionate about transformation and seeing people walk in their true identities. As your consultant I will make style and clothing suggestions to transform your outward appearance based on what your spirit should reflect. The experience is a unique blend of inner healing and fashion. Beauty is a spiritual gift. The enemy has used beauty as a tool of manipulation. Beauty has been distorted. Women and men of integrity have lost the influence they are called to have in everyday life, jobs, media, fashion and the arts. Its time to claim back the beauty of the Lord and INFLUENCE the influential.

Through this concept, I hope to use my time and resources this year to develop a curriculum that can be taught in schools and/or conferences. I've met with Bethel staff and have their support in this. There are exciting opportunities ahead!!!

I will  take the skills and core values I've learned in First Year and begin to develop my own ministry. I will choose a revival and a revivalist from history and investigate them with a view to forging similar dynamics in my own life. I will also learn leadership principles to gain understanding on how to lead people and establish the Kingdom in every realm of society.

In the past year, my passion has grown for coaching others as well. This year, I was chosen to be a student developer. A Student Developer is responsible for developing others in areas that they are motivated to change.  This is done through strategically challenging them to take steps towards their destiny or set goals to gain breakthrough. I will learn more about becoming an empowering leader. It is important for any great leader to empower those around them.

I've also been chosen to work with CareNet. CareNet is a faith based, pro-life, non-profit organization practically serving people in the community with specific needs regarding pregnancy tests, STD/HIV tests, sonograms, parenting classes, baby clothes, post-abortion counseling, etc. This would entail interacting with various walk-in clients regarding different resources of the center, meeting one on one with clients, mentoring, follow up interaction, etc.  It is an incredible opportunity to partner with Holy Spirit and speak to clients about their sexuality, life experiences and begin the process of healing.

'I've also begun to paint prophetically. Since we were formed in the likeness of God, who's very nature is creative and artistic, it follows that we too have that same bent.

Genesis spells it out to us clearly: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

We were fashioned after the image of one who is ultra creative, meaning that our creative potential is unlimited.

Sadly though, it is common for man to shut down this creative well and never ever tap into it or release it.

In this last year attending Bethel School of Ministry, I've learned that I am an artist. I've started to re-dig the wells of my God breathed and inspired creativity to collaborate with Holy Spirit to capture pictures that affect the atmosphere around me and cause others to come into an encounter with Jesus.'

I've hit some of the bullet points of life in for me in REDDING! ;) Life is full and glorious. I'm continually saying that I can not believe the Lord loves me this much... to send me to this place for a season of intimacy and growth! I can not complain about a thing. I could also write a book about the healing that has happened for me. Irreplaceable moments I've had with God that have grown my root system, molded my heart, covered me in safety and uncovered my true identity.

Your support in prayer and finances makes this all possible. Without your covenant the fullness of this all cannot happen! Thank you for believing in the path the Lord has me on.

I have 2 accounts set up with Bethel for tuition support and ministry/mission trip support. The website is Click 'Give to BSSM' , 'Make donation to tuition and travel' and then enter my name! If your heart is to support my personal finances for the year I have a secure paypal account set up. Just got to and click on the paypal button on the top right hand side of the screen.

Grace and Peace,

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